Enjoy your holidays and keep stress at bay

The holiday season has arrived, along with a seemingly endless list of things to do, people to see and places to go.

You can handle it all with style and grace, and keep your sanity intact, with careful planning and knowing when to take a breather.

Here are some tips to help you keep perspective and stay jolly:

Set unrealistic expectations IRL
Your social media channels may be positively glittering with other people’s tinsel and holiday lights, and that’s great. Just remember that most people share only the best snippets of their life on Instagram and Facebook. Take it all with a grain of salt, and never compare your reality with perfectly posed and carefully curated content. Real life happens off camera, and it’s often loud, messy and nowhere near perfect.

Ignore your exhaustion
It’s tempting to power through to hit one more store, hang one more string of lights, wrap one more gift. But you have to listen to your body. When you need a break, hunker down on the couch under a cozy blanket, and do whatever will recharge your batteries: listen to music, read a book, watch a movie, do a crossword or do nothing at all. It’s 100% allowed.

Grin and bear it
Along the same lines, many people become overextended during the holiday season, thinking they have to go to every gathering or outing they’re invited to — even if they’re not really up for it. The solution is deceptively simple: Don’t go. Take a breather. There is nothing wrong with politely declining an invitation. Full stop.

Sit on the sidelines
The flip side of all of this is that there are many people for whom the holidays are quieter than they can bear. You’re not alone. Many people report increased feelings of loneliness and sadness during the holidays. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable by admitting to friends and family that you find the holidays to be a lonesome time. Maybe find a local community organization where you can volunteer. It’s important to make connections so you don’t feel isolated and alone.

Remember what the holiday season is all about.

Relax, be grateful and enjoy yourself
Let go of the “I should” and “I have to” mentality and remember what the holiday season is all about. It’s about spending time with loved ones and making memories. It’s a time to reflect on the year that has passed, and find gratitude for what you have. It’s about rejuvenating so you can enter the new year fresh and ready for whatever the future holds.