Unique gifts from the heart that won’t break the bank

The holiday season is all about creating warm memories with your family and friends in the deluge of laughter, festive music, tight hugs from everyone in the room, and that perfect unique gift that makes the occasion more special.

But instead of buying a gift with a swipe of your credit card, think about making one from the bottom of your heart.

Before you make a gift, think about your skillset. Are you good at knitting? Then think about what is special to the recipient. If your neighbor has a corgi, maybe make a sweater for their dog. Or make a hat and booties for your newborn niece or nephew.

Not good at knitting? No problem. Try arranging a photo album of all the grandkids for grandma and grandpa. Or, you can turn all your family recipes into a book and give it to the family member who loves to cook.

The ideas are endless.

For heartfelt gift ideas, please visit messa.cc/gifts or for more ideas and inspiration, search “DIY gift ideas” in your favorite search engine.