WEBINAR: Making it Through Menopause

MESSA members and covered dependents are invited to “Making it Through Menopause” — a free, live workshop from Ovia that starts at 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14.

If you’re nearing the beginning or already in the midst of menopause, there’s a good chance you’ve heard a lot of information throughout the years, but actually experiencing it is completely different.

How do you best manage symptoms and navigate this new normal? Ovia’s health coaching team will answer questions and discuss the following topics:

  1. How do I know if I’m entering perimenopause?
  2. When do I need to talk to my health care provider about menopause?
  3. How can I most effectively manage common symptoms?
  4. Are hormone replacement therapies safe?
  5. What kind of support is available with my Ovia benefit?

Use the QR code to register today. Bring your questions — nothing is off-limits!

MESSA members and covered dependents have free access to Ovia’s three apps that offer support for women’s health, fertility, pregnancy and parenting. Learn more at messa.org/Ovia.